Digital Architecture

Learning a New Coding Language C#

Started learning a coding language C# to use with Rhino/Grasshopper and Revit for the creation of more useful data tools in architecture.

The abstract concept of variables, functions and methods may become clear with more examples and practice.

I am beginning to see the unstructured nature of data.

Like the many possibilities in Architectural sketches, the variety of programs are endless.




Sustainability + Resiliency as the new Design Constraints

SU+RE: Sustainable + Resilient Design Systems by AD presents a compelling trend towards SYSTEMS THINKING.

High Performance Building Skins are the primary frontline boundary surface domain to explore SU+RE.

Sustainbility and Resilience are the new constraints in design.

Systems Thinking is replacing Design Thinking.

“Thinking different is the engine of creating wealth in this new economy.”

Some new parameters are:

  • Change is Constant
  • Everything is Connected

LABS are Living Active Breathing Spaces for Science

Labs are




Spaces for Science

Learn more about the Living Building Challenge

or change the first word to Lively….