How can digital data become human- centered with Empathy?
Numbers and data are honest, and unemotional.
How will AI learn Empathy?
How can digital data become human- centered with Empathy?
Numbers and data are honest, and unemotional.
How will AI learn Empathy?
How will AI account for parameters that fall out of the norm, when the dataset rules are written to exclude some factors simply as, noise?
Where is the serendipity in AI?
Some of my recent reading  material on the Digital Transformations of Architecture and my daily workflows!
When drawing the images becomes visible by focusing on adjacent value comparisons.
Health status indicators are highlighted in relationship to a normal baseline.
Seems that the statement “It’s all relative” applies to many different situations.
What is it that is all relative?
Numbers and Values, of course.
Number Everything!
Does open source architecture improve connections and collaboration?
What are the tools and processes for Systems Integration, which will lead to 3D printed architecture?
What are some data points in Architecture that will inform machine learning in a digitally connected world?
Data-Driven Design and Construction: 25 Strategies for Capturing, Analyzing and Applying Building Data