Simply fascinating how technology is bringing these great minds of Quantum Relativity into our reach .
Simply fascinating how technology is bringing these great minds of Quantum Relativity into our reach .
Spending spring afternoons studying for ARE.
Started studying for a certification exam last week while on vacation.
My goal was to transition my study tools and methods to the new technology of the tests.
For years, I was convinced that writing notes by hand was the best way to remember information.
The challenge that I encountered is that now the exams are all digital, including any and all scratch paper.
My study process did not match up with the testing format. It was time for me to adapt.
Along the way I encountered some evidence-based research about ways to learn and understand information, place it into long-term memory for better and more consistent recall.
I read the book “Make it Stick”, wow I am so thrilled that I did.
Armed with this new process of spaced repetition, active recall and most important placing concepts and ideas in my own words, was simply game-changing.
The constant self-tests and making flash cards is a bit tedious, though the learning is amazing.
Who would have known that forgetting is a vital part of learning to learn!
My next adventure will be exploring audio and bringing stories to life using sound.
Learning the basics of NURBS geometry in rhino 3D is like practicing a new instrument or learning to speak a new language.
There are unique building blocks. It’s a wonderful world of discovery!
Today I ran across an inspiring quote. I love that kindle created the quote in a format that is ready to post on social media. All I need to do is capture the text by highlighting and sharing. Fantastic!
Should this design trend come with a warning disclaimer that it is not meant to cure, diagnose or prevent any condition?
What is design research and what role does it play in an architectural practice in 2019?
The book begins by placing the topic of Design Research in context from the past decade. There is a rich reading list to begin an investigation into the role of “Designer/ Practitioner/ Researcher”.
I had an amazing experience attending the Lab Design course at Harvard last week.
It was exciting to be back in a classroom, lecture hall learning all day for 5 days.
The sessions were complemented by guided lab and campus tours.
Evenings included sightseeing in Boston, and fantastic eating opportunities.
The biggest take away for me was to define my research interest in lab design and planning.
Search for research partnerships and establish strategic relationships to improve the state of labs and learning environments.